Yingzi F1

Plant type:  Indeterminate type.

Pedicel:  Jointed.

Fruit Type:  Cherry Tomato.

Fruit Shape: Deep globe.

Fruit Color:  Red.

Fruit Weight(AV.):  10-15 grams.

Maturity:  About 60 days from transplant.

Shoulders:  Light green shoulders.

HR:  V, F-1,2, N, TOMV.

Cultivation: Greenhouse


1 – The fruit are very uniform. Compared with other varieties of similar habit and sweetness.

2. Yingzi is less likely to crack and has an improved balanced flavor.

3. This variety is easy to grow, has strong vigor and produces high yields compared with other varieties..             

4- The fruit is firm and have an average shelf life.

5. Yingzi is an excellent home garden or roadside variety offering superb flavor.
